Frequently asked questions

Out of the hundreds of contacts with candidates, we have compiled several frequently asked questions. If you have further questions or need further clarification, you are more than welcomed to contact us .

How did you come to our attention?

You may have drawn our attention through a number of channels. We have access to a network that has been carefully maintained for years. So it is possible that you were already contacted regarding another position and are therefore already registered in our database. However, most of the time, we identify interesting candidates in the course of our current market analysis, social media, internet research and recommendations from our extensive network.

What does search contract in exclusive mandate mean?

It means that only Meister Networks is appointed to fill this position and no other personnel service provider.  As headhunters, we are the only point of contact for this position. Meister Networks works exclusively on a sole mandate basis.

What is the purpose purpose of the telephone inquiries after I submit my CV?

It is a general initial assessment. We invest time in identifying interesting candidates. In this step, we check whether your skills actually match the requirements of the specific job profile.

Where does the initial interview take place? Is a video call also possible?

It is up to you. The initial interview can take place in our offices or as a video call. The aim of the initial interview is for us to find out more about you and your professional career and to provide you with important information about our client and the position.

Why do you compile a dossier about me?

An important part of our service includes providing the client with an evaluation of the candidates. We then share our impressions with our client in the form of a dossier.

Who conducts the final contract and salary negotiations?

The contract negotiations are a bilateral matter between you as the candidate and our client. Meister Networks supports the negotiations.